Getting ready for Christmas time - wishlist

Christmas! Probably the busiest and happiest season of the year. The countdown has began, only 41 days until Christmas. If you think about it, time passed really quickly and I can't believe it's already mid November. 

Everyone loves this season and I am a huge fan. I usually start planning and preparing for Christmas at the end of October and I prepare my wishlists, gift ideas and how to decorate our house. Decorating for Christmas is a big deal for me and I really enjoy it. I am planning to decorate the tree next week and I will probably post some photos on my instagram so stay tuned. 

Below I have some ideas from Christmas decoration to help you decide how to decorate this year. I always loved the classic red-green-gold combo for decoration but this year I am doing something different. I chose blue-white-gold-silver and let's hope it will look good.


And now moving on to a few recommendations on Christmas clothing. Apart from the ugly Christmas sweaters everyone (or maybe not everyone) is wearing, these are great to wear while decorating your house or baking cookies or when sitting near your fireplace and having a delicious cup of hot chocolate. 

I already bought a pair of snowflake print leggings to wear with a black sweater on Christmas Eve, we are planning to have friends over for a chilled and relaxed evening (you know, just the basics, food, drinks, games etc).

Sequin t-shirt                           Snowflake leggings

Christmas sweatshirt                    Grey Christmas tee

And how cute are these slippers? I need a new pair of these, I wish they had a pink one (!) but I think the black and white will do!

Are you planning to decorate any time soon?

*Disclaimer - since I got asked many times why do I post so many wishlists from shops and the clothes I receive, please note that not all clothes I receive are for me. I also order clothes for two friends that cannot afford to buy clothes every season, I find these collabs a great opportunity to help these lovely ladies who I love and respect and it's the least I can do for them. So for every collab, I order one or two items for me (to review here) and the rest for them. xx

** This wishlist is in collaboration with Dresslily