What to do when you don't feel like blogging

I spend a lot of my free time in social media and lately, I've noticed a lot of people complaining and lovely bloggers I have been following have lost their motivation to blog and I totally get them. It happened to me many times in the 2 years of running my blog.

You sit down, prepare a cup of coffee and stare the screen. What do I do now? What do I write about? What people want to read? There are so many blogs out there, why they will read mine? And after dealing with this too many times, I found several ways to overcome this feeling and I would like to share with you some tips on what I normally do when I don't feel like blogging anymore.

Planning is your best friend: I have 20 draft posts at the moment, either it's only the title of a blog post I want to write in the future or unfinished or semi-finished posts. Usually on Saturdays, I spend my afternoon writing one or two blog posts to have in hand for when I will be too busy to do or when I don't feel like it. 

Take bulk photos and schedule your posts: taking blog photos is something I really enjoy, it's creative and fun and I currently have about 10-12 ready to post photos on my phone. Along with this, scheduling what you want to post is also important and make sure you have your week's content ready. It will save you time and when you are super busy, there is no stress since the posts are ready to be published.

Write down blog ideas: I always write down ideas and topics I want to write next on my blog. I love posts that suggest ideas and I have done a couple of these myself, they always come handy to everyone that lacks motivation or imagination, including me. 

Give your blog a makeover: it worked for me when I was feeling uninspired and nothing made me want to sit down and write. Last year I changed my theme and I couldn't believe how much it changed me. My blog was beautiful, organized, I kept staring at it all the time, I wanted to read every single post from the beginning, I was in love with it again and eventually, it gave me motivation to continue. It felt good! 

Take a break: I've done it several times and it is amazing how good it is to switch off everything. I kept away from social media and blog and took a step back to find myself. 

I suggest that you do it too if you feel overwhelmed and nothing inspires you. You will feel amazing by the end of the day/week/month and you will return with a clear mind and full of ideas. I find inspiration in nature so being outside helps me a lot and I try to do this every week. A long walk with Tyrion or spending an hour in the park clears my mind.

Sunday outfit:

Floral sweatshirt*             Jacket*

Do you often feel uninspired? How many years have you been blogging and what you do when you feel like this?

*I received this outfit for review purposes but all opinions are my own and 100% honest.