Flip flops don't have to be boring at all and today I will show you different ways to decorate yours, using pom poms and tassels (I love tassels and pom poms at the moment). You can also use whatever material you want. I found many great ideas on Pinterest and I suggest you visit Pinterest before starting to get inspiration and to see how to mix and match the colours and materials! So let's start!
We will need:
* Flip flops (I am using two new pairs that I purchased for €2 each and also an old pair that needs upgrading)
* Glue gun (or a strong glue)
* Pom poms
* Tassels
** You can also use beads, feathers or any material you like
** You can also use beads, feathers or any material you like
For the first pair, I started with the black pom pom fabric and I glued it along the sandals. If you are using a glue gun, please make sure that you press the fabric down for at least 5-10 seconds cause sometimes plastic does not cooperate with the glue and it may fall off and you will need to glue it again (happened to me). This is the result so far:
Then I started decorating the sandals using tassels and pom poms in different colours. I tried to make both flip flops the same to each other using the same colours, but you can do them differently if you want. Here is the final result of the first pair:
For the second pair, I only used pom poms that I glued together. For each pair, it took me about 30 minutes to finish. Which is amazing and it's so easy! Here is the second pair:
Isn't it fun? Then, I had an old yellow pair that I didn't like and I thought why throw it away and not do something about it? I glued some pom poms to give it a different touch and for this one, I used pastel colours like baby pink, baby blue, lavender and yellow. I also used one large yellow pom pom in the middle of it. Here is the final result:
So what do you think? Do you like it? Is it something you are going to try? I like these kind of DIY's cause they are so easy to make and the materials used are not expensive at all.
If you try and make them, please send me links so I can have a look at them! Hope you liked this tutorial, thanks for visiting here today and I will see you soon!