DIY wall decor using washi tape

Hello girls! Today I will share with you an easy diy I did a few months ago.  When you rent a house, you are not always allowed to do whatever you want, and eventhough our landlord told us we are free to do whatever we want in the garden and back yard, the walls were not part of the deal! I wanted to re-paint the whole house to a brighter colour.
At the moment, all rooms are painted in a buttery yellow/beige/ugly whatever colour that does not match my taste at all. But because I cannot do anything about it, I thought ''why compromise with this yuck colour and not do a diy to create some art''? And so I did! And I love it!

One day as I was browsing through ebay, I found washi tape.  What is washi tape you ask!? Washi tape is a kind of masking tape made with rice paper with beautiful patterns and bright colours that can be used in decorating, diy, decorating presents, furniture, walls etc.  

I searched Pinterest for ideas and I found some amazing diy's for my walls and I did two different rooms in the house. For my living room, I used only the two shades of yellow colour mixed together and I printed three lovely photos in the same theme colour.  The wall has changed completely and I love the result (picture 1).

When I finished the living room, I thought, why I don't make my bedroom wall as well? So many lovely and bright colours could change the room completely. So I created squares and rectangles on the wall above my bed, using all colours, and also, I added fairy lights that make a huge difference in the room when lighted! (picture 2).

Do you like the final result? What do you think?
I purchased the washi tape from this seller.