But while planning a few months ago, I did a huge list of ideas for blog posts and I thought I would share with you in case you are doing blogmas and need inspiration. So here are a few ideas for posts and I hope you find it helpful.
✴Gift guides for family/friends/kids/boyfriend/pet
✴Christmas day makeup and outfit
✴Christmas decoration and setting up the Christmas tree
✴Christmas playlist (I have been playing Michael Buble Christmas Songs Special every day!)
✴Best advent calendars
✴Christmas shopping
✴Christmas traditions of your country
✴The Christmas Tag (did this one last year)
✴Christmas movies to watch
✴The Harry Potter Tag
✴Things to do this festive season
✴How you spend your Christmas day
✴Winter skincare routine
✴Red lipsticks to wear in December
✴Wishlist - what do you want for Christmas?
✴Alphabetical 2017 - things you loved this year
✴Reflection on the year ending
✴The perfect lipstick for Christmas day
✴Ugly sweaters wishlist
✴Favourite recipes
✴DIY christmas decorations
✴Why you love Christmas
✴Glitter makeup - tutorial
✴Christmas haul
✴Gift wrapping ideas
Are you doing blogmas this year?
Hope you are having a lovely day and I will see you soon!